I'm re-posting this from my other blog Subdivisions of Elly
I have been searching the net reading craft blogs and the such and I believe I'm becoming obsessed with it. I will have 3 windows open with 10 tabs open on each one. Just reading and following and bookmarking. All I want to do is search and look. There are so many wonderful ideas out there that I want to make for my new place. So many of you have such great talent and imaginative minds. A lot of you could make money from your crafts and ideas. If only I was so lucky to have the creative minds that you all possess. I look at your stuff and copy it. Well not exactly but the idea. When I post things that I do I will credit those of you where the idea came from. If I can not remember where it came from I apologize.
To all my inspiring crafters Two thumbs up!
I truly wish I could be as talented as you guys all are!
You have talent too!I'm glad I found your blog. I'm now following on GFC and LF. I would love if you stopped by and followed back so we can stay connected. See ya around, Lori